Nivea blir offisiell sponsor for Oslo 2010


I går ble det klart at kosmetikkmerket Nivea blir offisiell sponsor for Eurovision Song Contest 2010. Avtalen ble forhandlet frem mellom EBUs eget T.E.A.M . selskap og representanter fra Beiersdorfgruppen i Sveits.

Nivea er et av de viktigste selskapene i Beiersdorfgruppen. Som sponsor får de fulle rettigheter til nyheter og andre medier. Deres kampanje tar fokus på de unge, og skal i hovedsak dreies mot Russland og Øst europeiske land.

nivea-RESIZE-250-«The EBU is very happy to welcome Beiersdorf Group, and in particular the NIVEA VISAGE brand, to Europe’s favourite TV-show. For almost 100 years, Europe and the world are familiar with NIVEA’S personal care brands and the quality they represent. This partnership once again underlines the strength of the Eurovision Song Contest as Europe’s biggest communication platform in music and entertainment.

NIVEA VISAGE Young is happy to join this highly creative project! The brand’s motto ‘You are a Star with NIVEA VISAGE Young’ perfectly matches with the Eurovision Song Contest that lights up new European stars every year. NIVEA VISAGE Young national projects open the world of fun and excitement for girls. NIVEA VISAGE Young range is specially designed for girls to give skin beauty and health and to grant a wonderful feeling of being really supercool to light up star of their own.»



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