Flere medier rapporterer at Tel Aviv blir vertsby for Eurovision 2019. Dette er ikke bekreftet av EBU.
EBU har lagt ut to meldinger på Twitter, hvor det blir avkreftet at Tel Aviv allerede er bekreftet som vertsby. Vis bilde på Twitter

Update on the Host City in Israel
“Despite ongoing media speculation, no decision has yet been made by the EBU as to which city will host the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have both submitted extremely strong bids which meet the needs of the Contest.»
1/249617:10 – 7. sep. 2018265 personer snakker om detteInformasjon om Twitter Ads og personvern

Eurovision✔@Eurovision · 7. sep. 2018
Update on the Host City in Israel
“Despite ongoing media speculation, no decision has yet been made by the EBU as to which city will host the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have both submitted extremely strong bids which meet the needs of the Contest.»

«We are examining the proposals carefully in order to choose the best overall location for next year’s event. When a decision has been reached the host city will be revealed via our official channels.”
2/230117:10 – 7. sep. 2018Informasjon om Twitter Ads og personvern106 personer snakker om dette
Det står fortsatt mellom Jerusalem og Tel Aviv. EBU vil komme med en bekreftelse i løpet av kort tid.