Internasjonal artist skal representere San Marino

Artisten og låten som skal representere San Marino er allerede valgt internt.

Den sanmarinske kringkasteren RTV vil ikke avsløre hvem den internasjonale artisten er, selv om bidraget allerede er valgt. Det melder kringkasteren selv på sine nettsider.

– We are soon to host an official press conference in San Marino in a few weeks time, when we will give further details about RTV’s participation, sier delegasjonsleder Alessandro Capicchioni til RTV. 

Administrerende direktør i RTV, Carlo Romeo, sier at Eurovision 2019 er viktig for kringkasteren.

At the moment we are working on the post production of the song and the videoclip. This year we have worked hard on several proposals, as the Israeli edition is important to us for many reasons. Eventually we chose the best project, fully supported and approved with a wonderful International artist. Fingers crossed, but I think we will have a very good entry. Good luck to all our friends and colleagues involved in the organization of such an important TV event, a world-wide event based on a joyous combination of music and dialogue, spectacle and friendship, sier Romeo til RTV.

Hvem den internasjonale artisten er vil offentliggjøres om få uker.

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